
Erasmus +

INSA Lyon is committed to the Erasmus+ program which aims to support actions in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for the periods 2014-2020 and 2021-2027 (renewal of the charter in June 2021).

Erasmus+ grants

INSA Lyon allocates each year internship and academic mobility grants to students:

  • More than 300 in Europe
  • 50 outside Europe


The SAMEurope Project, Student Athletes Erasmus+ Mobility in Europe

In June 2022, INSA Lyon, with the support of the European Union, joined forces with four renowned partner universities to launch a project aiming to facilitate and support the mobility of high-level student athletes: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany), University of Jyväskylä (Finland), Universitat Jaume I (Spain), and Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden).

The project aims to create useful and freely accessible tools to better support high-level student athletes in their mobility projects, making it easier for them to find a university where they can pursue both their academic studies and sports practices abroad.

Contact: Dorothée Brac de la Perrière, European Projects Manager

More info:


The "FIT Europe" project, Future IT Leaders for a Multicultural Digital Europe

In October 2019, INSA Lyon, together with the University of Passau (Germany), the University of Milan (Italy) and the University Politehnica in Bucarest (Romania) launched a project called "FIT Europe" supported by the European Union to train “Future IT Leaders for a Multicultural Digital Europe”.

Throughout the year 2021, a series of 4 seminars are organized for IT students at master's level from the 4 partner universities, to make them aware of the societal challenges of new technologies in our digital society. 

More info:


The "PEP UP" project, PhDs Enhanced for Prospects Erasmus Plus

INSA Lyon took part in a Erasmus+ call for project in 2014 and led the PEP UP project until 2017. INSA Lyon developed strategic partnerships to raise PEP UP, with 7 european universities, 2 companies and 2 regions, regarding a common issue : promoting PhDs’ professional skills in order to improve their employability.

The major axis of the project was FIT For Industry : a one-week workshop for French and European PhDs. The first edition took place in Lyon in 2016 and the second in Turin in February 2017. After the PEP UP project, the workshop has been integrated to INSA Lyon doctoral training and PhD students can take advantage of it through 2 editions each year, in the Fall an in the Spring.