Business Services

Participating in a multi-partner research project

Research funding for projects is a widespread mechanism in many countries and is a dynamic factor. This method of funding is suitable both for cognitive research and final research, whether in the public sector or as part of a public-private partnership.

Two bodies fund project based partnership research, the National Research Agency (ANR) at French and European level.

In both cases, INSA Lyon normally responds to calls for tenders and mounts projects in partnership with all types of companies, including SMEs.

The National Research Agency – ANR – a public administrative agency created on january 1st 2007 is a funding agency for research projects. Its goal is to increase the number of research projects from all parts of the scientific community, funded on a competitive basis and after peer evaluation.

The ANR addresses itself both to public research establishments and to companies with a dual mission: to produce new knowledge and to promote interaction between public and company laboratories on the basis of partnerships.