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11 - parcours Biochimie et Biotechnologies - Année 3 - Semestre 2

Type Libellé Language [?] Hours [?] ECTS
Course unit : Scientific Common Core 3BS S2 (BS-3-COSCIEN-S2)6
MandatoryBS-3-S2-EC-COETHI2 - Ethics 2:Work ethics from representations and imaginary of biosciencesfr 251
MandatoryBS-3-S2-EC-COOMIQ1 - Omics 1: NGS, Applications and Analysisfr 502
MandatoryBS-3-S2-EC-COBISYN - Synthetic Biology Projectfr 753
Course unit : Physiology Biology 3BB S2 (BS-3-BBPHYBI-S2)5
MandatoryBS-3-S2-EC-BBPHYS2 - Physiology 2: hormonal and nervous communicationsfr 502
MandatoryBS-3-S2-EC-BBBIODE - Biology of developmentfr 713
Course unit : Chemistry 3BB S2 (BS-3-BBCHIMI-S2)8
MandatoryBS-3-S2-EC-BBCHIM2 - Organic chemistry 2: Synthesis of molecules of interestfr 1255
MandatoryBS-3-S2-EC-BBCHIM3 - Analytical chemistry: physico-chemical analysesfr 743
Course unit : Biochemistry 3BB S2 (BS-3-BBBIOCH-S2)6
MandatoryBS-3-S2-EC-BBBIOC1 - Analytical biochemistryfr 1506
Course unit : Languages and sport 3BS S2 (BS-3-COLANSP-S2)5
choice ofHU-L-ALL-S2 - Germanfr 402
choice ofHU-L-ANG-S6 - ENGLISH S6en 402
choice ofHU-L-ARA-S2 - ARABfr 402
choice ofHU-L-CHI-S2 - CHINESEfr 402
choice ofHU-L-ESP-S2 - SPANISHes 402
choice ofHU-L-FLEDptTTCB1B2S2 - French course 2 hours s2fr 382
choice ofHU-L-FLE COMP B2 S2 - French course 2 hours S2fr 382
choice ofHU-L-FLE CIV B2C1-S2 - French civilization course 2h S2fr 382
choice ofHU-L-ITA-S2 - ITALIANfr 402
choice ofHU-L-JAP-S2 - JAPANESEfr 402
choice ofHU-L-POR-S2 - PORTUGUESEfr 402
choice ofHU-L-RUS-S2 - RUSSIANfr 402
choice ofHU-L-TAN-S2 - Tandem and Intercomprehension in Foreign Languagesfr 362
MandatoryCDS-3-S2-EC-EPS - Sportsfr 211
Course unit : Briefing (BS-3-AFFIEDT-S2)0
MandatoryBS-3-REUNEDT-S2 - Briefingfr 600
choice ofBS-3-LV1ou2-S2-EDT - Foreign languagefr 260
Course unit : Voluntary activities (BS-3-VOLONTA-S2)0
choice ofBS-3-S2-EC-COELUCD - Elected member of the department councilfr 251