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Parcours Standard - Année 3 - Semestre 1

Type Libellé Language [?] Hours [?] ECTS
Course unit : In-company periods 1 & 2 (TCA-3-S1-ENT12)9
MandatoryTCA-3-S1-EC-ENT1 - In-Company period 1fr 1444
MandatoryTCA-3-S1-EC-ENT2 - In-Company period 2fr 2455
Course unit : TCP/IP Architecture (TC-3-S1-UE-RES)5
MandatoryTC-3-S1-EC-IP - TCP/IP Protocol stackfr 473
MandatoryTC-3-S1-EC-NRP - Network Routing Protocolsfr 502
Course unit : Communication Systems 1 (TC-3-S1-UE-SYS)5
MandatoryTC-3-S1-EC-HOP - Hertzian and Optical Propagationfr 622
MandatoryTC-3-S1-EC-SIS - Signals and Systemsfr 622
MandatoryTC-3-S1-EC-PBS - Probabilities and statisticsfr 501
Course unit : Algorithmic and Programming (TC-3-S1-UE-INF)5
MandatoryTC-3-S1-EC-ALG - Algorithmicsfr 322
MandatoryTC-3-S1-EC-CRO - C programming ROotsfr 323
Course unit : Humanities Semester 1 (TCA-3-S1-UE-HU)6
MandatoryTC-3-S1-EC-EVD - Expression, technology watch and debatefr 311
MandatoryHU-L-ANG-3TCA-S5 - Public Speaking in Englishen 262