Recherche par formation

Recherche par formation

Génie Industriel (MSGI)

Parcours Standard - Année 1 - Semestre 1

Type Libellé Language [?] Hours [?] ECTS
Course unit : production management fundamentals (MSGI-TC-FGP)7
MandatoryMSGI-GP1 - Production Managementfr 423
MandatoryMSGI-REAK - Flow management introductionfr 100.5
MandatoryMSGI-LEAN - Introduction to Lean manufacturingfr 222.5
MandatoryMSGI-IPDM - Performance indicators and multi-criteria decisionfr 161
Course unit : Other Technical Fundamentals (MSGI-TC-AFT)6.5
MandatoryMSGI-LOG1 - Supply chain management and facilities planning and designfr 272.5
MandatoryMSGI-QUA - Qualityfr 181
MandatoryMSGI-PM - Maintenance Planningfr 181
MandatoryMSGI-SIM - Flow simulationfr 181
MandatoryMSGI-PBS - Probability and statisticsfr 181
Course unit : Managerial fundamentals (MSGI-TC-FM)7
MandatoryMSGI-LEAD - Managerial Posturefr 323
MandatoryMSGI-BCG - Budget and control managementfr 181
MandatoryMSGI-MHO - Management of People and Organizationsfr 353
Course unit : Real Collective Project (MSGI-TC-PCR)11
MandatoryMSGI-OCP - Tools for Project Conductfr 181
MandatoryMSGI-PCOT - Collective projectfr 1785
MandatoryMSGI-PCOM - Management monitoring of the collective projectfr 725
Course unit : Preparation for the Professional Thesis (MSGI-TC-ATP)0
MandatoryMSGI-ATP - Accompanying the Professional Thesissfr 120
Course unit : Advanced Production Management (MSGI-O1-GPA)7
MandatoryMSGI-GP2 - Advanced Production managementfr 272
MandatoryMSGI-ERP - ERP Projectfr 363
MandatoryMSGI-CSP - Project : Production System Designfr 242
Course unit : Advanced Logistic (MSGI-O1-LOGA)6.5
MandatoryMSGI-LOG2 - Configuration and management of the external supply chainfr 272
MandatoryMSGI-ORDO - Production Scheduling and flow managementfr 363
Course unit : Management of Operational Excellence (MSGI-O2-MEO)6.5
MandatoryMSGI-PL - Principles of Lean and Diagnosticfr 242
MandatoryMSGI-PIG - Overall Industrial Performance and TOCfr 242.5
MandatoryMSGI-LS - Lean Servicefr 242
Course unit : Lean Tools and Methods (MSGI-O2-OML)7
MandatoryMSGI-RP - Problem Solving, PDCA, Kaizen / Conwipfr 181
MandatoryMSGI-OP - Workstation Organization and Production Leanfr 181
MandatoryMSGI-GW - Gemba Walkfr 242
MandatoryMSGI-L6S - Six Sigma Leanfr 243
Course unit : data science (MSGI-O3-SDD)6.5
MandatoryMSGI-DM - Introduction to Data Mining, Prediction and Predictionfr 272
MandatoryMSGI-IA - Machine Learning. Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligencefr 181.5
MandatoryMSGI-PIF - Principles of Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformationfr 181
MandatoryMSGI-PSM - Simulation project and its application in strategic decisionsfr 272
Course unit : Decision and Application (MSGI-O3-DEA)7
MandatoryMSGI-IOT - Introduction to the Cyber-Physical System. The Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0fr 181.5
MandatoryMSGI-ISC - Implementation of a connected, flexible and reconfigurable production systemfr 181.5
MandatoryMSGI-MP - Predictive Maintenance and Spare Parts Managementfr 272.5
MandatoryMSGI-MSC - Management of Connected Production Systemsfr 181.5