
23 Oct
23/10/2023 08:00

Sciences & Société

Soutenance de thèse : Yuhan JING

Simulation de la diffusion de l'eau dans les tissus biologiques, application au tissu cardiaque

Doctorante : Yuhan JING

Laboratoire INSA : CREATIS
Ecole doctorale : ED205 : EDISS

Cardiovascular diseases remain one of the most serious health problems in the world, motivating research that deepens our understanding of the myocardial function. There are still large shadow areas in the understanding of the relationships between the mechanical function, hemodynamic/perfusion/diffusion/percolation/transfer rate and
the adaptive structural changes emerging in cardiac diseases (Cardiomyopathy, ischemia). To better understand the way the water molecules diffuse within the cardiac tissue, the Ph.D. will build a simulator able to mimic the motion of water molecules through both simple and realistic virtual 3D cardiac tissue models and will couple it to a Virtual
Magnetic Resonance Imaging device able to image the Diffusion (v_DMRI).



Additional informations

  • Salle de conférence de la bibliothèque universitaire, Université Lyon 1 - Campus LyonTech - La Doua(Villeurbanne)