Life on campus

The Student Social Service

For whom? - For what?

"To feel good in body and mind"

You want to be successful in your studies and your student life with all the demands it entails; manage your day-to-day psychological, emotional and financial independence without compromising your personal balance due to the different pressures and demands of your "student life".

The Student Social Service is there to help you successfully pass your engineering studies in the best material and psychological conditions.

Do you have a question? Are you having difficulties in the following areas:

  • Personal: depression, health, disability, addictive behaviour, adaptation to your new environment, campus life, schooling, etc.
  • Family: distance, conflict, break-up, etc.
  • Finance: budget imbalance and management, late payment of grants or housing benefit etc.
  • Administrative: formalities and procedures / Grants, accommodation, social security etc.

Come and talk to the Student Social Service,
You will find:

  • A warm welcome
  • A sympathetic ear
  • Assessment of your overall situation: sometimes financial difficulties lead to stress and depression, and vice versa.
  • Training in budget management
  • Financial assistance from the INSA Solidarity Fund
  • Supervision and personalised support
  • Arbitration
  • Information and documentation on everything that relates to your education, health, disability, housing, student jobs, addictive behaviour, prevention of discrimination and gender-based violence etc.
  • Access to rights: State grants, going abroad, FNAU (National Fund for Emergency Aid for Students), Family Allowances, Social Security etc.
  • Referral to specialised services and personal aid services, etc.
  • Support during the Department, 1st Cycle or Establishment Juries

The interviews are strictly confidential and subject to PROFESSIONAL SECRECY.