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Recherche par formation

Parcours Standard - Année 3 - Semestre 1

Tipo Libellé Idioma [?] Hours [?] ECTS
Course unit : Engineer tools 1 (GEN-3-OPI-S1)6
ObligatorioGEN-3-S1-EC-MATH - Mathematics and Numerical Toolsfr 924
ObligatorioGEN-3-S1-EC-STAT - Statisticsfr 402
Course unit : Energy 1 (GEN-3-NRJ-S1)13
ObligatorioGEN-3-S1-EC-MFLU - Fluid Mechanicsfr 713
ObligatorioGEN-3-S1-EC-COND - Heat Conductionfr 422
ObligatorioGEN-3-S1-EC-CONV - Heat convectionfr 432
ObligatorioGEN-3-S1-EC-COMB - Combustionfr 392
ObligatorioGEN-3-S1-EC-RAY - heat radiation transferfr 432
ObligatorioGEN-3-S1-EC-TTC - Coupled Heat transferfr 472
Course unit : Environment 1 (GEN-3-ENV-S1)3
ObligatorioGEN-3-S1-EC-ENVI - Environment: issues, concepts and toolsfr 371
ObligatorioGEN-3-S1-EC-SEC - Climate and Energyfr 221
ObligatorioGEN-3-S1-EC-QM - Quality of the environmentsfr 261
Course unit : Social and Human Sciences and Sport 1 (GEN-3-SHS-S1)8
choice ofHU-L-ALL-S1 - Germanfr 402
choice ofHU-L-ANG-S5 - ENGLISH S5en 402
choice ofHU-L-ANG-S7 - ENGLISH S7en 402
choice ofHU-L-ARA-S1 - ARABfr 402
choice ofHU-L-CHI-S1 - CHINESEfr 402
choice ofHU-L-ESP-S1 - SPANISHes 402
choice ofHU-L-FLEDptTTCB1B2S1 - French course 2 hours S1fr 392
choice ofHU-L-FLE COMP B2 S1 - French course 2 hours S1fr 392
choice ofHU-L-FLE CIV B2C1-S1 - French Civilization course B2 to C1 2h s1fr 382
choice ofHU-L-ITA-S1 - ITALIANfr 402
choice ofHU-L-JAP-S1 - JAPANESEfr 402
choice ofHU-L-POR-S1 - PORTUGUESEfr 402
choice ofHU-L-RUS-S1 - RUSSIANfr 402
choice ofHU-L-TAN-S1 - Tandem and Intercomprehension in Foreign Languagesfr 362
ObligatorioCDS-3-S1-EC-EPS - Sportsfr 211
ObligatorioGEN-3-S1-EC-GEPI - interdisciplinary projectfr 763