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01 - parcours commun Standard BS - Année 3 - Semestre 1

Tipo Libellé Idioma [?] Hours [?] ECTS
Course unit : Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics 3BS S1 (BS-3-COIFMAS-S1)8
ObligatorioBS-3-S1-EC-COSTAT1 - Biostatistics 1: Usual Confidence Intervals and Parametric Testsfr 753
ObligatorioBS-3-S1-EC-COMATH1 - Biomathematics 1: Modelling biological dynamics by ordinary differential equationen 622.5
ObligatorioBS-3-S1-EC-COINFO1 - Computer Science 1: Introduction to data processing automationfr 622.5
choice ofBS-3-S1-EC-CORNMAT - Math refresher coursefr 260
Course unit : Chemistry Biochemistry 3BS S1 (BS-3-COCHIMI-S1)7
ObligatorioBS-3-S1-EC-COBIOCH - Structural biochemistryfr 502
ObligatorioBS-3-S1-EC-COCHPHY - Physical Chemistryfr 502
ObligatorioBS-3-S1-EC-COCHORG - Organic Chemistry 1fr 753
Course unit : Biology 3BS S1 (BS-3-COBIOLO-S1)8
ObligatorioBS-3-S1-EC-COMICRO - General Microbiologyen 502
ObligatorioBS-3-S1-EC-COBIOGE - General Biologyfr 502
ObligatorioBS-3-S1-EC-COBIOCE - Cell Biologyfr 502
ObligatorioBS-3-S1-EC-COPHYS1 - Physiology 1 : Mechanisms of homeostasisfr 502
Course unit : SHS, Languages and Sport 3BS S1 (BS-3-COSHSLS-S1)7
choice ofHU-L-ALL-S1 - Germanfr 402
choice ofHU-L-ANG-S5 - ENGLISH S5en 402
choice ofHU-L-ANG-S7 - ENGLISH S7en 402
choice ofHU-L-ARA-S1 - ARABfr 402
choice ofHU-L-CHI-S1 - CHINESEfr 402
choice ofHU-L-ESP-S1 - SPANISHes 402
choice ofHU-L-FLEDptTTCB1B2S1 - French course 2 hours S1fr 392
choice ofHU-L-FLE COMP B2 S1 - French course 2 hours S1fr 392
choice ofHU-L-FLE CIV B2C1-S1 - French Civilization course B2 to C1 2h s1fr 382
choice ofHU-L-ITA-S1 - ITALIANfr 402
choice ofHU-L-JAP-S1 - JAPANESEfr 402
choice ofHU-L-POR-S1 - PORTUGUESEfr 402
choice ofHU-L-RUS-S1 - RUSSIANfr 402
choice ofHU-L-TAN-S1 - Tandem and Intercomprehension in Foreign Languagesfr 362
ObligatorioCDS-3-S1-EC-EPS - Sportsfr 211
ObligatorioBS-3-S1-EC-COETHI1 - Ethic 1fr 251
ObligatorioBS-3-S1-EC-COECOEN - Business Economicsfr 251
Course unit : Other activities 3BS S1 (BS-3-AFFIEDT-S1)0
ObligatorioBS-3-REUNEDT-S1 - Briefingfr 600