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Recherche par formation


Parcours Standard - Année 4 - Semestre 1

Tipo Libellé Idioma [?] Hours [?] ECTS
Course unit : 4IFA - Architecture, System and Network (S1) (IFA-4-UE-ASR-S1)2
ObligatorioIFA-4-S1-EC-PR - Network programmingfr 52.52
Course unit : 4IFA - Software Development (S1) (IFA-4-UE-DL-S1)2
ObligatorioIFA-4-S1-EC-AFQL - Formal approach for software qualityfr 281
ObligatorioIFA-4-S1-EC-LG - Grammar and languagesfr 25.51
Course unit : 4IFA - Company Period (S1) (IFA-4-UE-ENT-S1)8
ObligatorioIFA-4-S1-EC-ENT1 - Company period 1fr 2134
ObligatorioIFA-4-S1-EC-ENT2 - Company period 2fr 2134
Course unit : 4IFA - Gneral Training (S1) (IFA-4-UE-FG-S1)3
ObligatorioIFA-4-S1-EC-GP - Project managementfr 291
ObligatorioIFA-4-S1-EC-OGP - Organization and management of services and goodsfr 52.52
ObligatorioIFA-4-S1-EC-EPS1 - Sports (S1)fr 50
Course unit : 4IFA - Foreign Languages (S1) (IFA-4-UE-LAN-S1)1
ObligatorioHU-L-ANG-4IFA-S7 - Jobhunting in Englishen 341
Course unit : 4IFA - Mathematical Models and Tools (S1) (IFA-4-UE-MOM-S1)8
ObligatorioIFA-4-S1-EC-ALIA - A logical approach to artificial intelligencefr 52.52
ObligatorioIFA-4-S1-EC-ML - Machine Learningfr 482
ObligatorioIFA-4-S1-EC-ST - Statisticsfr 53.52
ObligatorioIFA-4-S1-EC-WS - Semantic Webfr 522
Course unit : 4IFA - Long Term Projects (S1) (IFA-4-UE-PLD-S1)3
ObligatorioIFA-4-S1-EC-PLD-MARS - Methodology for design and deployment of network and service architecturefr 823
Course unit : 4IFA - Information Systems (S1) (IFA-4-UE-SI-S1)3
ObligatorioIFA-4-S1-EC-BDD - Business intelligencefr 52.52
ObligatorioIFA-4-S1-EC-WASO - Web technologies and service-oriented architectures for organizationsfr 25.51