Recherche par formation

Recherche par formation

Parcours Commun - Année 3 - Semestre 1

Tipo Libellé Idioma [?] Hours [?] ECTS
Course unit : FLE for student in Department (HU-L-FLE S1)2
choice ofHU-L-FLE IN S1 - French as a foreign language for exchange students A1 to C1fr 392
choice ofHU-L-FLE COMP B2 S1 - French course 2 hours S1fr 392
choice ofHU-L-FLEDptTTCB1B2S1 - French course 2 hours S1fr 392
choice ofHU-L-FLE CIV B2C1-S1 - French Civilization course B2 to C1 2h s1fr 382