The integration of more and more recycled plastic materials (RPM) is a clearly identified objective by regional, national and European circular economy roadmaps. In addition, the anti-waste law (AGEC), which bans single-use plastics, aims for 100% recycling of used plastics by 2025. To contribute to the evolution towards a circular and sustainable economy, the Innovative Recycling of Plastics from WEEE (RIPEEE) project aims to create a range of recycled plastic materials (RPM) from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) by integrating an innovative technological approach to improve the quality and properties of RPM. To achieve this, the consortium brings together four non-competitive regional partners, each with expertise and specialties covering highly complementary fields ranging from waste collection and processing to the formulation, characterization and production of PRM. All the players are directly or indirectly linked to plastics processors. This is an indisputable asset for the valorization of the project's results through extrusion and injection material transformation trials; on a regional, even national perimeter. Indeed, and in a context where the demand of PRM is more and more consequent and that the national production is far from satisfying the consumption of the plastics industry, the RIPEEE project, will contribute actively to this voluntary and voluntarist impulse. The approach of co-development associating the upstream and downstream of the sector, that is to say starting from the waste and aiming at the final product, is very interesting. Indeed, the collaboration of the actors of the collection and the treatment of waste, the sorting of plastics, the formulation, the characterization and the production of granules cannot do without taking into account the technical and economic needs of the transformers. The RIPEEE project is therefore part of an eco-design approach.

Dates projet: 
De 04/2021 hasta 09/2024
Responsable INSA: 
Project aims to create a range of recycled plastic materials (RPM) from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)
Montant global du projet: 
317843' €'