
Ciclo doctoral

Doctoral studies leading to PhD degrees are organised in Lyon according to major fields of study.

The doctoral programme at INSA Lyon is provided within the 8 Doctoral Schools co-accredited along with other University of Lyon establishments by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR) .

The PhD runs for three years after a Master’s degree.
It is the highest level of study; it corresponds to a Baccalaureate (A-levels) + 8 years of further study. The PhD is training in and through research, and innovation.

The thesis is undertaken within a recognised research team and under the guidance of a professor-researcher or pure researcher qualified to manage the research in question.

Teaching addresses the methodological approaches to research, possible additional theoretical aspects and prepares students for the requirements of their future careers. These aspects of the thesis are managed by the Doctoral School to which the student is attached.

Studies and research are carried out on a topic defined at the start of the thesis. The milestones relating to the progress of the thesis, including the rights and duties of the PhD student and his/her host team is specified in a thesis charter, signed by all those involved in the project.

The signing of this charter has been made mandatory by INSA Lyon. The work takes place entirely within an INSA laboratory, or partially, in the case of a partnership with a company, research organisation or foreign laboratory (especially in the case of co-supervision, which makes it possible to obtain a dual diploma in accordance with the agreement signed between two partner establishments).

INSA Lyon enables post-graduate students to prepare a doctoral thesis in one of the following specialities (grouped by Doctoral School).

Note: 640 doctoral students, i.e. 12% of the total number of ‘PRES Université de Lyon’ (University of Lyon Pole for Research and Elite Studies) students, were received in 2009/2010 in INSA Lyon’s 21 laboratories.
50% of the latter are international students and 13% are co-supervised with a foreign university.