The GreeenLocal3D project focuses on models and experiments to facilitate the short circuit recycling of post-consumer plastic waste to be recovered and enhanced by additive manufacturing (AM) processes. In a new "distributed recycling" paradigm, this process must be accomplished by affordable and flexible technologies that cover a limited geographical area to form the basic unit of a "smart recycling network". More specifically, the objective is to study the possibility through AM to revalorize previously unsorted and/or unrecycled types of plastics. In order to generate a circular economy around these plastics, we will analyze the whole value loop from the collection and distribution circuit to their valorization as printable materials by additive manufacturing via the combined mastery of their transformation processes and their formulation. To illustrate the potential of the implemented methodology, we will evaluate the feasibility of the proposed approach for different product/material pairs and at different positions of the value loop. On a macro scale, we will qualify the available plastic waste deposits at the level of sorting centers and on a territorial scale. We will analyze the composition of unsorted plastics and size the volumes of thermoplastics available and usable in 3D printing (especially for PLA). We will then propose, in a multi-tool approach, an analysis of material flows as well as a global diagnosis allowing us to map and characterize the industry in the making. At the micro level, we will study the potential use of raw materials in AM processes. Scientific studies will be carried out on model polymer blends with the objective of transferring the results to plastics to be recycled.


Dates projet: 
De 10/2022 hasta 09/2026
Responsable INSA: 
Approche globale pour la revalorisation en circuit court de plastiques usagés par fabrication additive
Montant global du projet: 
476000' €'
The main goal is to develop a new distributed recycling solution to reuse locally, by additive manufacturing, types of post-consumer thermoplastic wastes that were previously unsorted or unrecycled