
22 Nov
Desde 22/11/2019 09:30
Hasta 22/11/2019 12:30

Sciences & Société

Cities and genders: changing views on the sharing of space?

This seminar organised by UMR (joint research unit) 5600 Environnement Ville Société (Environment City Society) will be devoted to the issue of the sharing of urban space according to gender.

Over the last thirty years or so, work has been carried out on the link between urban practices and gender relations, and the widely held view is that the city remains sexist and androcentric. This seminar will add to the discussions that have already taken place on gender norms in the consideration of public policies and will allow us to reflect on ways to work together to build a fairer, more egalitarian and more accessible city for all.

Three speakers will present their work:

  • Amandine Chapuis, "Revendiquer la place des femmes dans la ville. Approche géographique d’une action collective de femmes"
  • Camille Martinez, "De quel projet politique les politiques urbaines genrées sont-elles le nom ?"
  • Yves Raibaud, "Genre, sport et villes"

More information and presentation of the work: https://atelier3.hypotheses.org/1450

Photo caption: When domestic violence takes place in the public space. Rue Gay Lussac, Paris, 12 October 2019 ©D. Chevalier

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