
21 Apr
21/04/2022 13:30

Sciences & Société

Soutenance de thèse : Bo CHEN

Approches de coques en efforts résultants pour la simulation de la mise en forme des renforts textiles de composites.

Doctorant :  Bo CHEN

Laboratoire INSA : LaMCos

Ecole doctorale : ED162 : Mécanique, Energétique, Génie Civil, Acoustique de Lyon

Numerical simulation of the textile composite reinforcement plays a critical role in improving the manufacturing quality, reducing the manufacturing cycle, and manufacturing cost. The thickness of the textile composite reinforcement is significate smaller than the other two dimensions, which make it possible to make the simulation using shell element. However, the possible slippage between the fibers gives the material a very specific behavior: the bending behavior is independent of the membrane behavior. The classical shell theory cannot be directly adopted. A stress resultant shell approach is proposed for the simulation of the textile composite reinforcement. This approach introduces an independent bending stiffness to decouple bending behavior with membrane behavior. The stress resultants and stress moments are related to membrane strains and curvatures by rate constitutive equations (hypoelastic laws). Different types of forming experiments under different boundary conditions are conducted to make the comparison between simulation and experiment. The comparison shows the effectiveness and correctness of the proposed approach in predicting the textile composite forming. This approach is implemented in the commercial software ABAQUS  and can be used by all users of this software.


Additional informations

  • Amphithéâtre Emilie du Châtelet (Bibliothèque Marie Curie) - Villeurbanne

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